A while back, I had my business checking account hacked into. One of the positive things that came out of this not so positive experience was connecting with my local bank personnel. Typically, I do 99% of my banking at the outside ATM, rarely setting foot inside the bank. I found the people at my local Sovereign Bank to be very helpful, friendly, and a great resource for promoting my business.
Every month the bank features two local businesses on display tables they have set up in the lobby. Here they set up any promotional materials you provide and have free coffee for their customers. They urged me to bring in a display that I could then leave with them, telling me they like to rotate their customers displays throughout the year. So, this week I worked on pulling together my display and dropped it off yesterday. />
I stenciled this scroll pattern on the back and side panels because you
will see a portion of the side panels when it is standing up on the
What a great opportunity – I hope it leads to more work!!!! Love the black background you picked, it def pops the stenciling. 🙂
stencil helen
What a brilliant display Carol, I hope that you got some work from it. It looks great.