Challenge to All Boston Bloggers!
PainterGirl is issuing a challenge to all Boston Bloggers. Carol Leonesio (aka: PainterGirl) owner of Paint It!, has teamed up with Bordet Interiors and formed the team Paint It!/Bordet Interiors to sell pies for Community Servings annual Pie in the Sky fundraiser.
We are asking you to join our team and sell as many pies for Community Servings as you possibly can, now through November 14th. The proceeds from the pie sales go toward providing nutritional meals to 675 critically ill people in and around Boston.
Pie in the Sky is your chance to treat your guests to a wonderful pie from one of Boston’s best known bakers while helping Community Servings reach their goal of selling over 10,000 pies. This year’s pie choices are: apple, diabetic apple, pecan, pumpkin, and sweet potato. All pies are $25 each.
Note: If you are ordering a single pie or two and want to just order on line, please use the drop down menu and select Leonesio, Carol as your salesperson, or use my sales number: 987. If you are selling multiple pies, please contact me first to get a number to register so your pie sales can be counted!
Now for the challenge: PainterGirl invites you to sell as many pies as you possibly can, between now and November 14th, for our team Paint It/Bordet Interiors. Whoever sells the MOST pies for our team will win a Fenway Park Billboard mural, hand painted on a wall of your choice. For more details on how to register to be a pie seller and mural specifics, please email PainterGirl. Include the words Pie Challenge in the subject line, please. Here is a sample of the mural:
The size of the mural is approximately 5′ h (including the John Hancock sign) and 5′ long. Other logos can be selected, picture of batter is customized, as well as list of who is up to bat next and the date.
Please pass along this challenge to anyone you know and Thank You for supporting this very worthwhile cause! The more pies we all sell, the more meals Community Servings will be able to provide (always free of charge!) to their very needy clients! Even if you can buy just one pie for yourself, it will be greatly appreciated! Remember, the deadline is November 14th. The winner will be notified as soon as all counts are tallied and arrangements will be made to paint your mural!
I will do my best and mention it on my blog too 🙂