For the beginning of this week, I will be working in my office. Since my office is located in my home, I love the commute! Years ago, when I was in an entrepreneurship program, learning how to start a business, it was stressed to those of us who would be working out of our homes to always dress professionally… even when working at home, seeing no clients. For a while (well…a short while) I adhered to this rule. Supposedly you sound more professional on the phone when dressed the part, you work more efficiently, you act more business-like. Hmm… this just was not working for me. First off, I never wear shoes when I’m home and I really love my well worn sweatpants or pajama pants and a tee. I feel I work best in these clothes because they are comfortable and remind me that this is one of the perks of working for myself! So, in my favorite pair of sweatpants and well worn turtleneck, I pulled together a proposal this morning and then did a rough estimate from some blueprints a client recently sent. I don’t think my work suffered as a result of my choice of wardrobe.
It’s always difficult to do an estimate from just a set of blueprints! There were some cryptic notes scrawlled on Post It’s for me, but they were none too helpful. I gave it my best shot and just sent off an email saying it was a very rough estimate. I will be repairing some damage that is being done to a finish I did previously and also trying to duplicate the same finish in the newly remodelled areas. I’ll worry about that when the time comes. Once the new walls are up and cabinets in place, etc. I’ll go out to the house to see what’s up and adjust the estimate.