Another sample I created while in the "la•BOR•a•tory" was this raised/gilded design on Portofino plaster. I’m calling it Gilded Ginkgo. I don’t normally name my sample boards, but for some reason, this entire series of boards I just created felt like they needed names. I always feel like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein, when I’m experimenting with new products, especially when I start intermixing product lines. 😉 I still have quite a bit of Portofino plaster in Sugar Cane, mixed with Bella Fresco Iridescent Gold, left over from previous jobs, so that is my base coat. I rolled the first coat and tightly troweled a 2nd. Once dry, I troweled the same Portofino through my Ginkgo leaves. I just made this stencil up myself, but you can also find several versions online. Once dry, I brushed the leaves with Wunda size and applied Tamise leaf flakes in Autumn hues. I love these little flakes and am trying to incorporate them more and more in my finishes. I’m going to order some new colors to work with.