Last week, I happily reconnected with New England Women’s Business Owners (NEWBO), a wonderful organization who’s membership base consists largely of Boston area business owners. I joined this organization when I first began my business, 11 years ago. They were an invaluable source of help, camaraderie, and inspiration for a woman new to running her own business. I stopped attending the monthly meetings about 5 years ago because of too many other business and family commitments. You know how that goes… you can only be in one place at one time and you only have so much energy/time to give at the end of a long work day. Lately, I’ve been feeling the need to reconnect with this group and decided I now have a little more free time to devout to being an active member in this organization. I attended my first dinner meeting last week and instantly connected with some wonderful new and old members. I am looking forward to future meetings with NEWBO and perhaps joining one of their many committees. I highly recommend this organization to any woman who is just starting out with their business or who wants to grow their business. You can learn more about NEWBO at