Sometimes I absolutely love working alone on a job site, with no one else in the house or building. Working uninterrupted, I get a lot done. I normally bring a radio, but the last one I was using broke, so I’ve had no music to listen to lately. Today I decided that I should get some books on tape and start listening to those while I work. I like listening to music too, so either way, I need to buy another radio/tape deck. When the homeowner is there, I listen to whatever music they put on, but when they are not there, I don’t like to fool with their equipment. It’s fun to see what type of music my clients listen too. One time I had a client who practiced the piano every afternoon and it was as if I was being treated to a private concert! She was very good and it was truly a joy to listen to her practice session. Another client had a wonderful CD collection of Italian operas that she played for me each day!
You should get an Ipod + then a little speaker system.
I love mine. We take it to the beach, outside on the deck, just about anywhere.
Terrific 🙂
I’m with you, I love working by myself sometimes… absolute quiet. Just me.
It’s very rare I get those moments… so i truly treasure them.
Yes, I am going to look into buying an Ipod. I’m not sure I’d take it to work with me though. I think it would get ruined. My jobs are messy. 🙁 I want one for the house though. My stereo system is ancient. I need to upgrade and downsize in a big way! I need to join the 21st century, basically!