I tried to get this posted last week, but struggled with inserting 2 short videos I had made for this particular room. I will attempt to insert them one more time, but if it’s not happening, I’m moving on! I’ll tell you, it’s not the writing of these posts that take a lot of time, it’s the technical difficulties I always seem to run into that eats up many more minutes than I have patience for!
The last room I did for this Wakefield project was the basement Family Room. It’s a very large, open space sectioned off into a Family Room, Game area, Kitchen, and Storage. As you can see from this Before Picture, it’s a work in progress. A new ceiling will be installed, along with molding. The upstairs Family Room furniture will move down here. My job was to stencil above the chair rail in the Family Room area only.
Here is my sample board, using the Royal Design Studio’s Large Moorish Trellis. This is a stencil I’ve used a zillion times.
This room was quick and easy because I used only one color applied with a small, foam roller.
Ok, I will forewarn you, my little videos are ridiculously shaky, out of focus in spots, and will certainly not be going viral. I shot these with my iPhone and discovered it is not easy to hold the iPhone, climb a ladder, attempt to stencil and talk all at the same time. It was fun to do though, so maybe I will bring my tripod and camera next time and give it another try!
This first one… is the worst. I must have been holding my iPhone sideways and no matter what I do, I cannot rotate the video now. I’m inserting it anyway, because the overall design holds up horizontally or vertically.
Now, I will address stenciling a corner:
Ok, I won’t torture you anymore today with my videos!
I thought the video on the corners was very well done. (I could not get the other video to open up). I can see now why my stencilling efforts have failed – too much paint on my roller. Good job!
Carol, the first video gives me a “This video is private” message, but I love the corner demo!
I did not realize the first video was “locked”, so I just went in and changed it. It should be ok to view now! Thanks for the heads up! Carol